
Dear patients,

Welcome to my practice!


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OA Dr. Stefan Berci


“Man is as old or as young as his blood vessels.”
Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902)


As a specialist in vascular surgery, I attach great importance to the quality of the medical act and
the orientation to the patient's needs.

The focus here is on offering the patient the best therapeutic option after weighing all the risks and
benefits of a surgery.

I am available for you around the clock to give you all the support you need in the healing process.
Trusting a doctor is the first step in curing a disease.

For more information, you are welcome to make an appointment by phone or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Health Team 18
Semperstraße 54/1
1180 Wien


Office Hours


Tuesday 4-8 p.m.
and by appointment
Wahlarzt aller Kassen und Privat


Group practice

Health Team 18

by J. Stopfer

EKH Wien